Tokeneke Classic Road Race

Race Results

Race Held August 20, 2000

| Pro/1/2 | Cat 3 | Cat 4 | Masters 35+ | Masters 45+ | Women | Juniors |

Pro/1/2 (56 entrants)
1    3:57:01 130   Marc Lanoue         CYBC/R Sachs            MA
2            153   Jacob Rosenbarger   Knapps Racing           NJ
3    3:57:09 136   Eneas Freire        Kissena CC              NY
4            122   Amos Brumble        CCBI/Volkswagen         RI
5    3:57:18 108   John Loehner        CRCA/           NY
6    3:57:36 115   Ben Silberfarb      Essex County VC         VT
7    3:59:31 132   Kevin Molloy        CRCA                    NY
8    4:00:12 131   Sean Nealy          Kissena CC              MA
9            124   Chris Peck          Wheelworks              CT
10           121   Eugene Boronow      CRCA/SBCG               NY
11           101   Peter Baker         CAF/Ridgefield Bank     CT
12   4:00:19 145   Rafel Urzedowski    Wachung Wheelmen        NY
13   4:00:26 116   Bill Yabroudy       OSVC/AFD                RI
14   4:00:40 102   Eric Min            CRCA/           NY
15   4:01:15 151   Mousa Abothman      Cranford Bike Tm        NJ
16   4:02:03 104   Jason Baer          CRCA/Breakaway          NY
17   4:10:32 134   Bret Williamson     Killington-Pico CC      VT
18   4:13:34 140   Wilson Vasquez      G S Mengoni             NJ
19   4:17:49 139   Chris Benoit        Essex County VC         MA
20   4:20:49 127   Kris Hedges         CYBC/R Sachs            BE
Cat 3  (65 entrants)
1    3:03:24 323   Scott Plante        CS Ardagna              NH
2            314   Chris DeLisle       Capital Bicycle RC      NY
3            307   Michael Shore       BOB                     NH
4            340   Josh Davison        CRCA                    NY
5            329   David Sommerville   Kissena CC              NY
6            332   Oliver Stiler-Cote  Team Grimace            ME
7            331   Makunda Feldman     MLBC/Bike Link          MA
8            313   Joseph Simoncek     G S Europeo             CT
9            349   Glenn Ziesenitz     CRCA                    NY
10           309   Mark Alden          Westwood VC             NJ
11           306   Wade Summers        New Canaan CC           CT
12           356   Steve Lombardo      AMC Cycling Team        MA
13           327   Derek Walsh         Capital Bicycle RC      NY
14           341   Jeffrey Schmela     CRCA                    NY
15           326   Craig Ross          Stage One CC            CT
16           312   Ian Beilby          Capital Bicycle RC      NY
17           354   Ross Krause         Northampton CC          MA
18           358   Shawn Milne         Essex County VC         MA
19           305   Roger Apsholm       Westwood VC             NY
20           300   David Gates         CVC/Pig Iron            CT
21           346   Robert Campos       Island Racing Team      NY
22           ?????
23           ?????
24   3:03:52 318   Alan Potter         OSVC/AFD                RI
25           351   Benjamin Peters     UVM Cycling             VT
26           352   Mike Spangenberg    BCA/Tosk                VT
27           334   Jon Lombardo        Piermont Whlmn          NJ
28   3:04:02 322   David Wiswell       NECSA/MFSR              CT
29   3:04:14 302   Troy Kimball        Westwood VC             NJ
30           342   Sean Marvel         CRCA                    NY
31   3:05:14 355   Gordon Daniell      GMBC/Excite/SF          VT
32   3:05:24 316   Marc Cesare         CRCA                    NY
33   3:05:24 361   Scott Livingston    Tm Horst Engineerg      CT
34           345   Ryan Pinkham        Corner Cycle CC         MA
35   3:05:45 338   William Cannon Jr   CRCA                    NJ
36   3:06:33 350   David Werling       NECSA/Coyote Hill       CT
37   3:06:44 364   Matt Inconiglios    Stage One CC            MA
38   3:06:58 303   Harold Chan         HVVC/Matador            NJ
39           ?????
40   3:12:33 353   Joshua Anthony      Essex County VC         MA
41           359   Jesse Anthony       Essex County VC         MA
42   3:16:15 315   Daniel Byrne        CR CA                   NY
43   3:16:15 325   Brian Ross          Stage One CC            NY
44   3:28:31 328   Jason Elfenbein     Kissena CC              NY
45   3:30:03 311   Craig Lipka         Northampton CC          CT
Cat 4 (60 entrants)
1    2:03:51 415   Ralph Hassard       CRCA                    NY
2            449   Aidan Charles       NECSA/MFSR              CT
3    2:03:57 444   Jonathan Bruno      BBC/Community           MA
4            407   Paul Connor                                 CT
5            457   Conor Coffey        SNEM                    RI
6            446   Salvatore AbbruzzeseUSI                     NY
7            437   Anthony Cipolla     CAF/Ridgefield Bank     CT
8            420   Nate Rice           UVM Cycling             VT
9            403   Jonathan Grandchamp CRCA                    NY
10           451   Paul Rhodes         C S Ardagna             NH
11   2:04:14 447   Shawn Doran         SNEM                    CT
12   2:04:23 430   Marc Risigo         Stage One CC            CT
13   2:04:24 448   Joseph Tindal                               CT
14           436   Justin Medeiros     OSVC/AFD                MA
15   2:04:40 410   Juan Darias         Union Velo CC           MA
16           443   Ryan Themig         Shore Line CC           MA
17           440   Ted D’Onofrio       EB/Summit               CT
18           426   Mark Dakoul                                 VT
19   2:04:54 459   Ben Kubas                                   CT
20           439   John Parker         NEBC/CL/SM              NH
21           400   Peter Martel        Northampton CC          MA
22   2:05:10 428   Tim Guilbeault      Providence VC           RI
23           431   Kenny Shardlow      Providence VC           RI
24           416   Paul McDonnell      Capital Bicycle RC      NY
25           432   Craig Bertoldi      NEBC/CL/SM              MA
26           408   Mike Maloney        OSVC/AFD                RI
27   2:05:24 405   Jeffrey La France   Zephyr Cycling Tm       CT
28           433   Tom Luby                                    CT
29   2:05:29 460   Christopher Mina    NECSA/MFSR              NY
30   2:05:52 458   Marc Bechtold       Northampton CC          MA
31   2:05:59 423   Tim Fleming         Putney/West Hill        VT
32           455   Blake ????          Boston Road Club        MA
33   2:08:49 413   Rich Hollenbeck     NECSA/MFSR              CT
34   2:09:01 422   Christopher Wilkes  CRCA/          NJ
35   2:09:27 434   Max Accapto         Expo Wheelmen           CT
36           411   John Stonebarger                            MA
37           424   Andrew Aavatsmark   CVC/Pig Iron            CT
38   2:05:24 421   Thomas Melia        CVC/Pig Iron            CT
39   2:13:04 454   Derrick  Dumoulin   CAF/Ridgefield Bank     CT
40           438   Terry Spezzano                              CT
41   2:13:41 453   Diego Alehortua     USI                     NY
42   2:14:23 409   Jonathan Wicks      BBC/Community           MA
43   2:18:23 456   Robert De Grace                             MA
44   2:24:23 427   Stephen McDonnell   Zephyr Cycling Tm       CT
45   2:26:13 419   Paul Lombardi       New Hamp CC             NH
Master 35+ (50 entrants)

1    3:03:24 519   Todd Buckley        Arc-en-Ciel RC          RI
2    3:03:36 530   Andy Ruiz           GMBC/Excite/SF          NY
3    3:05:06 518   Richard Rusk        Arc-en-Ciel RC          RI
4    3:05:16 502   Joseph Regan        LBC/Amity Bike          CT
5    3:05:08 528   David Kellogg       Arc-en-Ciel RC          RI
6            516   Tim Groesbeck       CCBI/Volkswagen         NH
7    3:06:06 510   Art Podgorski       Cyclonauts Racers       MA
8            506   Doug O’Neill        CBC/Spin Gym            NJ
9            524   Greg Pelican        Zephyr Cycling Tm       CT
10           521   Stefan Hesselberg   BCA/Tosk                MA
11           505   Jeffrey Fisher      Maine Cycling Club      ME
12           500   Joseph Rano         Minuteman RC            MA
13   3:06:20 548   Kevin Fitzmaurice   Zephyr Cycling Tm       CT
14           517   Terrence Parker                             NH
15           503   Bob Roldan          WWRA/Dream Bikes        MA
16           543   Brett Rutledge      Minuteman RC            MA
17           508   John Kolios         CVC/Pig Iron            CT
18           532   Rich Trainer        Killington-Pico CC      VT
19           529   Mark Luzio          Arc-en-Ciel RC          CT
20           540   John Dolzadelli     GMBC/Excite/SF          MA
21           531   Lori Hewig          GMBC/Excite/SF          NY
22           515   John O’Connor       CRCA                    NY
Master 45+ (40 entrants)
1    2:08:36 638   Rob Cole            CBC/Spin Gym            NY
2            627   Peter Bates         Arc-en-Ciel RC          RI
3            612   Clifford Keeney     Cyclonauts Racers       CT
4            619   David Bradford      Putney/West Hill        VT
5            631   William Sawyer      NEBC/CL/SM              NH
6            637   Jeff Knisley        CBC/Spin Gym            NY
7            613   Allan Bates         Cyclonauts Racers       MA
8            605   Bruce Townend       BCA/Tosk                MA
9            600   David Kliger        CRCA/Comp Edge          NY
10           608   Robert Hedges       CBC/Spin Gym            CT
11           603   James Themig        Shoreline CC            CT
12           617   Greg Hall           LBC/Amity Bike          CT
13   2:09:22 606   Paul Carrier        Northampton CC          MA
14   2:09:26 607   Paul Siebert        BCA/Tosk                VT
15   2:09:30 634   Stephen Malley      GMBC/Excite/SF          NY
16   2:09:41 609   John Fitzpatrick    Northampton CC          MA
17           626   Tim Taylor          Zephyr Cycling Tm       NY
18   2:09:47 624   Jack Kane           MVC/Dakini              NH
19   2:09:52 629   Stephen Sirico      LBC/Amity Bike          CT
20   2:09:56 636   John Grasz          Mass Bay RC             MA
21   2:10:10 611   Peter Johnson       Zephyr Cycling Tm       CT
22   2:10:17 616   Steven Heath        MVC/Dakini              RI
23   2:10:21 622   David Grainger      Zephyr Cycling Tm       CT
24   2:10:32 621   Kenneth Leary       Northampton CC          MA
25   2:10:40 625   David Burnell       Swamp Yankee RC         RI
26   2:11:26 620   David Lucey         Northampton CC          MA
27           633   Ed O’Hearn          BCA/Tosk                MA
28   0.094525604   Brian McGuiness     CVC/Pig Iron            CT
29           639   Jorge Ramirez       Team Bicycle Alley      MA
30   2:18:30 6X1
31   2:18:24 614   Tom Vinson          MLBC/Bike Link          MA
32   2:21:50 640   Robert Clifford     CRCA/Sony Music         NY
33   2:22:19 630   Donald Hard         HVVC/Matador            NY
34   2:23:18 635   Frank Holt          New Hamp CC             NH
35   2:27:47 615   B?? Judge                                   GA
36   2:25:28 602   Daniel Beekhoff     Shoreline CC            CT
37   2:25:39 628   John Cummings       Capital Bicycle RC      NY
38   2:30:10 618   David Genest        CYBC/R Sachs            RI
             632   DQ-Yellow Line
Women (26 entrants)
1    2:22:30 201   Yvonne Ilton        BAM/Komen               MA
2            202   Jeanne Curtis                               CT
3            214   Anne Marie Miller   CRCA                    NY
4    2:22:40 209   Anna Milkowski      BCA/Tosk                MA
5    2:22:54 200   Julie Monagle       BAM/Komen               CT
6            212   Elizabeth Renaud    CRCA                    NY
7    2:23:10 222   Caryl Gale          CBC/Spin Gym            NJ
8            219   Joanne Stearns      BAM/Komen               CT
9            215   Mildred Shepetin    Team Tam                NY
10           225   Aubin Sullivan      CRCA/Renaissance        NY
11           224   Brenda Nevins       BAM/Komen               MA
12   2:23:49 217   Maria Lynch                                 CT
13   2:23:54 205   Stephanie Bleecher  CRCA/WSF                NY
14   2:24:34 208   Kathryn Tyler                               MA
15   2:25:06 207   Karen Nash          BAM/Komen               MA
16   2:25:20 221   Heather Owens       Providence VC           RI
17   2:30:13 211   Alicia Genest       CYBC/Trek               RI
18   2:30:18 218   Nicole Benham                               CT
19   2:30:33 213   Frances Harrison    CRCA                    NY
20   2:34:33 220   Kerry Litka                                 NH
21   2:34:52 216   Rachel Brown        Northampton CC          NY
22           203   Christine Sal-Halasz                        NY
23   2:39:00 223   Ann Tarantino       Penn State Cycling      PA
Juniors (8 entrants)
1    2:13:09 2     Ari de Wilde        NECSA/MFSR              CT
2    2:19:05 4     Wes Ullrich         NECSA/MFSR              NH
3            6     Will Verbarg        NECSA/Coyote Hill       CT
4    2:20:29 3     Matt Tretin         NECSA/MFSR              CT
5    2:22:30 5     Mike Plain                                  CT
6    2:29:30 7     Mike Rabe                                   CT

| Pro/1/2 | Cat 3 | Cat 4 | Masters 35+ | Masters 45+ | Women | Juniors |

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